About Wil
Wil is a skater and snowboarder who took up Yoga in his late 20s when he was in constant pain after years of slamming. After a few years of practising and teaching Yoga Wil started to question the purpose of some of the more exotic Yoga positions and sought some answers from science. Wil began training in Sports Yoga with Sarah Ramsden, because Sarah’s system is based on science – he has since gone on to teach the next generation of Sports Yoga instructors with Sarah and worked with professional footballers, skateboarders and Olympic snow sports athletes. Wil set up the Fitness & Yoga studio at Graystone Action Sports and has been teaching 121 and small group sessions ever since on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. The impact of Sports Yoga on skaters has been great to see, a 121 client recently said “I had a session with Wil after I injured my back skating, I was back skating again within two days and feeling strong”.
Website: openmindedfitnessgroup.co.uk