Calling all skate community organisers, skatepark campaigners, activists and legends! The newly formed Communities Team in Skateboard GB have created a short survey to improve how we support you and your projects, which you can find here.
Skateboarding has a unique ability to improve places and lives, by motivating skaters to organise, campaign, create art, put on events and build spaces that bring together diverse communities. At Skateboard GB, we’ve been stoked to see, support and share inspiring stories, including:
Bournbrook DIY – led by the Birmingham Skate Spaces crew – who transformed an underused and overgrown recreation ground in Selly Oak into a high-quality, thriving community-built skatepark.
Shred the North, who for 10 years have been connecting skateboarders across the North East and celebrating the region’s rich and varied skate heritage with comps, jams, film screenings, books, zines, DIY projects and skatepark campaigns.
Skateboard GB has provided advice and support to more than 200 individual skatepark projects over the last 2 years, helped with a large number of grant funding applications and provided mentoring for many Crowdfunder UK campaigns for indoor and outdoor skateparks, with support from Sport England, the National Lottery Community Fund and Samsung UK.
To help us improve how we support community skateboarding projects in the future, our short survey has been developed with close attention to the survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide, undertaken annually by Skateistan’s The Good Push Alliance and Pushing Boarders. Any information you can provide on you or your organisation’s needs and experiences is hugely appreciated. It will help us to develop toolkits, workshops, webinars, podcasts and in-person events that help you develop, improve and sustain your work, whilst also improving our enquiry handling. Together this will provide insight to enable us all to create a network that empowers and grows community skateboarding across the UK.
Whether you’re campaigning for a new skatepark, running informal meet-ups or collectives, looking to develop more formalised sessions, events, workshops or learning, outreach or empowerment programmes, or you’re starting up an indoor skatepark, working on a DIY, or if you’ve been doing one or many of these for a while, we’re keen to hear from you.
In 2024, we will refresh our ‘Design and Development Guidance’ toolkit for public skateparks and build on our support for applicants to the Sport England Small Grants programme, which included a well-attended webinar last March, with a whole range of new webinars, podcasts and in-person events. Other tools you can access on this website now include our funding toolkit and our collaborative support page with Crowdfunder UK.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch with members of our Communities Team, please give us a shout on our new email address: [email protected]