1. Skateboard GB Safeguarding Statement

Skateboard GB is committed to ensuring skateboarders of all ages who participate in any of our programmes, events and courses have a safe, rewarding and positive experience.

Our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures must be complied with by all who work or volunteer within, or for our organisation with children, young people and adults at risk. This promotes good practice, helps raise awareness, and ensures people know what to do if they have any welfare concerns about skateboarders or the behavior of others within or outside of Skateboard GB.

Our Quick Guide to Safeguarding provides links to all of our key policies and procedures below.

2. Children & Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Skateboard GB has a Children & Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures that are reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

Please click here to download a copy of the policy.

3. Adult Safeguarding Policy

Skateboard GB also has an Adult Safeguarding Policy that is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.  Please click here to download a copy of the policy.

4. Reporting a Concern

If you wish to report a concern, please use the Report a Concern Online Form

For further guidance relating to reporting a child safeguarding concern click here; for adult safeguarding click here

5. Flowcharts & Procedures

Flowchart for children, flowchart for adults and flowchart for child concerns outside an Skateboard GB setting can all be found HERE

6. Code of Conduct

The Codes have been created with the aim of proactively assisting and guiding members and other participants towards the desired conduct. As a result, we hope that the sanctions for violating the Codes of Conduct, detailed at the end of this document, will not be necessary.

7. Whistleblowing Policy

Skateboard GB has a Whistleblowing Policy that can be downloaded by clicking here.

8. Training & DBS Checks

Safeguarding Training for Coaches, Volunteers & Skate Org Welfare Officers

If you would like to become a coach with Skateboard GB, we require you to have attended a Basic Safeguarding Course (this is one level up from Introductory training). The basic courses typically last 3 hours, and are facilitated by a tutor so that you can ask questions and cover scenarios specific to your work environment. The basic course covers what you need to know about safeguarding and protecting children in sport in order to get started as a coach or welfare officer in skateboarding.

The following courses cover the requisite level of safeguarding training for Get Rolling:

UK Coaching Safeguarding & Protecting Children Online Classroom

UK Coaching Safeguarding & Protecting Children Face-to- Face Course

Your local Active Partnership may also provide safeguarding training in your local area. It is well worth contacting your local organisation to see what they offer. Sport Welfare Officers are employees of local Active Partnerships and are your main points of contact on safeguarding in your local area. You’ll find the Contact Details for all the local Sport Welfare Officers here

Minimum operating standards for coaches working with children in a supervisory capacity are as follows:

  • A DBS that is accepted by Skateboard GB , i.e. less than 3 years old or on the update service
  • Up to date safeguarding training – recognised by SBGB, and less than 3 years old

9. Skate Parks, Skate Schools and wider Skateboarding Community

Skateboard GB are currently working on safeguarding support and educational tools for the wider skateboarding community. Any updates will be published on the Skateboard GB safeguarding pages and through our social media and comms channels.

If you have an idea about what kinds of safeguarding support you’d like to receive, please get in touch with the Safeguarding team at [email protected]

10. Guidance for Young People

Advice and guidance for young people can be found by clicking here

Boundaries, consent and retaining control from IOC

Powerful words from young people in this video from Gymnastics USA

Help and advice for young people being bullied from National Bullying Helpline

11. Safeguarding & Athlete Support for Elite Level Skateboarders

Elite level skateboarders can access support via the British Elite Athletes Association. Get in touch with them here.

The IOC has also produced a wellbeing toolkit for athletes. Find it here

12. Guidance for Parents

The Child Protection in Sport unit of the NSPCC has produced a free safeguarding e-learning course to help parents understand their role in keeping children safe in sport and to let them know who to turn to if they have any worries. Click  here to access the course. Their  Parents’ Hub also has a wealth of useful information.

Help and advice for parents dealing with school bullying from National Bullying Helpline  

Tips and suggestions on recognising the signs of stress and listening to children from the Children’s Society.  Click here

13. Who to contact

Lara Hayward is Skateboard GB’s Head of Safeguarding, Welfare & Inclusion and our Lead Safeguarding Officer.  If you need any advice, guidance or support email  [email protected] or call 07366 462690 during office hours.

You can also call the following helplines at any time of day:
An entirely confidential helpline
Phone 0800 1111   Web www.childline.org.uk

Phone 0808 800 500  Email [email protected]

Child Protection in Sport Unit
Phone 0116 366 5590 Web www.thecpsu.org.uk  Email [email protected]