Safeguarding Training for Coaches, Volunteers & Skate Org Welfare Officers
If you would like to become a coach with Skateboard GB, we require you to have attended a Basic Safeguarding Course (this is one level up from Introductory training). The basic courses typically last 3 hours, and are facilitated by a tutor so that you can ask questions and cover scenarios specific to your work environment. The basic course covers what you need to know about safeguarding and protecting children in sport in order to get started as a coach or welfare officer in skateboarding.
The following courses cover the requisite level of safeguarding training for Get Rolling:
UK Coaching Safeguarding & Protecting Children Online Classroom
UK Coaching Safeguarding & Protecting Children Face-to- Face Course
Your local Active Partnership may also provide safeguarding training in your local area. It is well worth contacting your local organisation to see what they offer. Sport Welfare Officers are employees of local Active Partnerships and are your main points of contact on safeguarding in your local area. You’ll find the Contact Details for all the local Sport Welfare Officers here
Minimum operating standards for coaches working with children in a supervisory capacity are as follows:
- A DBS that is accepted by Skateboard GB , i.e. less than 3 years old or on the update service
- Up to date safeguarding training – recognised by SBGB, and less than 3 years old